Boca Grande

Boca Grande Health Clinic


Collage showing Health Clinic building, doctor and happy couple

A Lifeline for
Exceptional Health Care
in Boca Grande

Boca Grande Health Clinic Foundation serves as a lifeline for the exceptional health care services provided by the Boca Grande Health Clinic. In fact, the community’s generous support has enabled the Clinic to provide immediate access to health care right in Boca Grande for more than 75 years. Together, we can ensure the Clinic’s convenient, quality health care services continue to be available now and for generations to come.

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sea oats on the beach in Boca Grande, FL
Date December 12, 2022

From a Grateful Patient

Since I moved to Boca Grande in January 2018, I hope to never have to move again, and one of the major reasons (if not the most salient) is the Boca Grande Health Clinic. Even considering relocating seems out of the question, particularly as I, my friends and acquaintances, deal with the aging process.

BGHC 75th anniversary flag raising photos showing staff and flags
Date December 12, 2022

75th Annual Flag Raising Ceremony

The 75th Anniversary flag raising ceremony held in March 2022 was an opportunity to pay tribute to the legacy of healthcare on the island. We honored those who have come together over the years to support the Clinic and recognized the important work of today’s Clinic team.

collage of clinic staff wearing PPE
Date December 29, 2021

Notes from the Field

The Clinic Staff, including Dr. Raymond James, Natalie Cole, Kelsey Chavarria and Dana Pellant, reflects on a year like no other.

Boca Grande Health Clinic aerial view
gold tournament winners holding their trophies

Special Events

Every year, the Foundation holds special fundraising events benefiting the Boca Grande Health Clinic and honoring the memory of Hank Livingston Wright, Jr. M.D. Join the fun and philanthropy!